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Flintco Delivers Faster Schedule with Off-Site Prefabrication, Better Space Planning for Cherokee Nation Central Utility Plant

Construction of the $149 million, 469,000 SF Cherokee Nation Outpatient Health Clinic (CNOHC) in Tahlequah, OK, is the largest full service Native American healthcare facility in the country. The CNOHC is our 2nd Lean pilot project. The project team recognized schedule pressure and space planning constraints early in design. Collaboration with our design partners James R. Childers Architect and HKS led to a critical recommendation to design a standalone, modular CUP that could be prefabricated off-site. Flintco worked alongside the A/E team to write the specification. The decision to prefabricate the CUP off-site elevated quality, reduced potential rework and associated exposure to injury, and allowed construction of the main facility to accelerate – shaving nearly 2 months from the schedule. The flexible, modular design allows for seamless increased capacity in the future. Most importantly, the decision created more space within the clinic.

“Lean production has proven to be productive and safe” said Brian Travis of HWH, program manager for the CNOHC. “The way Flintco and Gary’s team collaborated, offered solutions and managed the schedule kept everyone on the same page at all times.”

The CNOHC is another example of the transformational power of Lean that delivers measurable results in schedule, productivity and safety by intentionally applying the most efficient construction practices to our projects.

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