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Thank You to Our Veterans

Thank You to Our Veterans

On this Veterans Day, we extend a special Thank You to all veterans for your sacrifice, bravery and the example you set for us all. Our freedom is not guaranteed. Today Flintco honors you and your families for your selfless service.

Featured are some of our Veterans here at Flintco:

James Bailey
E-4, Navy Afghanistan combat veteran,
6 years of service

Taylor Bastien
Gunnery Sergeant
U.S. Marine Corps
9 years active and 5 years Marine Reserves

Herschel Burrow
U.S. Marine Corps
4 years of service

Jeff Goolsby
Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, 1995 – 2002
2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Army, 2002 – 2008

Christopher Griffin
SSG, U.S. Army
10 years of active duty

Spencer Hohn
Captain, U.S. Army
14 years of service

Jessika Jauriqui
SSgt, E-5, New Mexico Air National Guard
6 Years of service

Lucas Kerr
E-5 Sergeant – 0341 Infantry Mortarman
U.S. Marine Corps
4 years active duty, 4 years inactive duty – 2 combat tours Iraq

Daniel Landry
E4 19D Cavalry Scout
Louisiana Army National Guard & Florida Army National Guard
6 years of service

Troy Lowe
SSgt, U.S. Marine Corps
LtCol, U.S. Marine Corps
31 Years of active duty service in the U.S. Marine Corps

Jeremy Nichols
E-4 Corporal
U.S. Marine Corps
4 years of service

Scott Regis
Builder 2nd class U.S. Navy Sea Bees
4 years of service

Stan Sikes
Retired Commander in the Civil Engineer Corps of the U.S. Navy
28 years of service

Stan Sikes
Retired Commander in the Civil Engineer Corps of the U.S. Navy
28 years of service

Osha Thompson
U.S. Air Force
Airman, E2
Information Management Apprentice, aka Knowledge Operations Management
2 years of service

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