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Continuous Improvement: Staff Promotions And Lean2.0 Rollout

Faced with consistently poor labor productivity – 40% is the most commonly accepted number for our industry – many large construction companies within the last 10 years embraced Lean as a project delivery approach hoping to reverse that trend. It didn’t happen. Because of inconsistent application, and lack of commitment to doing Lean the right way, companies lost millions of dollars through poor execution. For many in the industry, Lean became something of a gimmick: all hat and no cattle, as the saying goes in Texas.

Failure is often just another opportunity for success, and so Lean2.0 was born – a new term coined and branded by Flintco based on nearly 2 years of study, refinement and a methodical re-introduction of the practice. We now have 40 Lean projects with unequivocal data that valid ates our simple premise: When done right, Lean works.

Calling it Lean2.0 represents our quest for continuous improvement, a hallmark of Lean and our Ethos. The Lean2.0 “mark” is suggestive of a 4-story building and represents the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle that is fundamental to Lean; it also represents the familiar sticky notes associated with collaborative planning and the Last Planner System®. The accent color takes a cue from the Flintco 4 LIFE logo. The tagline Better Construction means working the margins to gain incremental efficiencies at every step, providing more value to owners, and is consistent with our company Vision Statement: Unwavering pursuit of the perfect construction experience.

Construction Support Services (CSS) within Flintco is managing our Lean2.0 journey with Melanie Gilbertson, who was recently promoted to Lean Manager within CSS, leading the way. Joining Melanie within CSS is Spencer Hohn, who was promoted to Lean Engineer. Both Melanie and Spencer support Flintco in our implementation of Lean2.0.

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